
Seminar: Genomic selection – status and an outlook to the future

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2016-06-27: by Mogens Sandø Lund, Aarhus University. The seminar will take place June 27th, 13.30-14.15 at University of Copenhagen, Grønnegårdsvej 3 ( building 1-61), 2nd floor library, Frederiksberg C.

Refreshments will be provided and registration is not necessary.

In genomic selection we use genome wide markers to predict genetic merit for selection decisions in breeding programs. This technique is quickly revolutionizing breeding programs for farm animals and agricultural crops. In this talk, I will cover the basics, give a short overview of implementation in Danish breeding programs,  and discuss some of the potentials and limitations of improving the current methods by using whole genome sequence data and annotation information. This will be illustrated by results on genomic prediction in a multibreed context using sequence data in cattle and application of genomic feature models in fruit flies.

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