Foldalign version 2.5.1 Minor changes: 1: \r at the end of line in a file is deleted when the line is read into the program. This is only important if a file has passed through a windows machine at some time and has been changed to end lines with \r\n rather than the usual \n. 2: The reference in the output is now correct Foldalign version 2.5.0 A major update please see the Sundfeld et al paper. Bioinformatics in press. The most important changes are: 1: Multithreading. Use option -number_of_processors to set the number of cores used by foldalign 2: LocateHits now has build in parameters for the extreme value distribution. These are GC-content dependent. Note the values have changed since preRelese 2. 3: It is now possible to use different gap penalties for gaps in stem and in single strand regions. This is not use by default. 4: Alignments can be output in stockholm format. Default column format. There are many other minor changes.