
SME grant from the Strategic Research Council

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2011 Jan 21: The Center has received a supplementary grant of DKK 600 000 from the Strategic Research Council. The aim of this funding is to invite small and medium-sized enterprises to collaborate on a project entitled "Discovery of regulatory non-protein-coding RNA genes".

The overall goal of this initiative from the Strategic Research Council is to facilitate short-term involvement of new business partners in research projects. This means that small or medium-sized enterprises, who may not have the resources to engage in long-term projects, are still offered the opportunity to participate in business and society related research.

For the business enterprises the outcome may be tangible and immediately usable results, but an incentive for participating may also be the opportunity to build up new channels of knowledge - to the benefit of the growth and development of the enterprises in the long run.

For the research institutions the collaborative projects offer an opportunity to bring new knowledge and experience into the projects, ie. to have theories or methods tried out in concrete scenarios, to get new inspiration from practice, and/or include special competencies from the business world.

From a societal point of view it is important to strengthen ties between research and business. It adds more relevance to research, creates a basis for innovation, and strengthens the development of a knowledge-based business world. This is the driving force behind the Strategic Research Council's initiative.

Companies interested in further information may contact Center Director Jan Gorodkin at phone +45-3533 3578 or at latest by 6 May 2011.

Last changed: at 11:49 AM

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