Structural RNA alignments in vertebrate genomes
We computationally screened for conserved RNA structures (CRSs) in vertebrate
genomes using structural alignments predicted with CMfinder. Around 520k human
genomic regions were predicted to host CRSs.
The manuscript to the study has been submitted to Genome Research under the title Structural RNA alignments in vertebrate genomes and CaptureSeq reveal novel expressed RNAs and associate conserved RNA structures to transcribed regulatory regions. Supplementary data files to the revised manuscript are available here.
Search the data collection
This is the outdated CRS annotation in hg18 and 17-species tree.
Switch to database for hg38 and 100-species tree.
Database version: rth_data_collection_2015-09-08_14:12:49_9206 (based on Gencode v19).