STEM_SHADESection: User Commands (1)Updated: October 2005 Index Return to Main Contents NAMEstem_shade - This program will shade an RNA alignment according to the assigned structures for each sequence. Basically, it converts the large- small-letter annotation that is used in the col-format to assign r, g and b color columns that can be read by other programs. Stem shade regions will appear as blocks in an RNA structural alignment.SYNOPSIS
DESCRIPTIONstem_shade will shade an RNA alignment according to the assigned structures for each sequence. Basically, it converts the large- small-letter annotation that is used in the col-format to assign r, g and b color columns that can be read by other programs. Stem shade regions will appear as blocks in an RNA structural alignment.OPTIONSstem_shade has no options.EXAMPLESConvert col file to col file.
BUGSReport bugs to col-bugs@bioinf.au.dk.AUTHOREbbe Sloth Andersen (esa@mb.au.dk)SEE ALSO
IndexComments, questions, etc., email
gorodkin@rth.dk. |
Last updated March 26th, 2007 by Jan Gorodkin |