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The PigEST resource v. 1.0 at LIFE


2007-04-02: The accompaying PigEST paper has been published in Genome Biology.
More news here.

The resource

This resource contain a large collection of porcine EST sequences. An assembly of the sequences can be accessed dynamically through an SQL interface. In addition a static data, such as BLAST and expression data extracted from 97 non-normalized cDNA libraries. See more details in the introduction.

Short background

The Sino-Danish pig genome sequencing project (SD) was initiated as collaboration between Beijing Genomics Institute, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (now the Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen) and Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences with support from The National Committee of Pig Breeding Health and Production and The Ministry for Food Fisheries and Agriculture. The purpose of the project was to initiate sequencing of the porcine genome with emphasis on EST sequencing. The Danish part of the project was extended with support to the project "Comparative Genomics focusing on Man and Pig" from the Danish Research Councils. This enabled research groups from the Danish Technical University and Aarhus University to take part in the project and made it possible to include both studies of a general nature such as alternative splicing and transcriptomics as well as studies of specific biological problems.

This webpage is hosted by the Division of Genetics and Bioinformatics, IBHV, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Life Sciences (Formerly the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University).

Comments, questions, etc., email webmaster@pigest.ku.dk.

Last updated May 11th, 2007 by Jan Gorodkin and Karsten Scheibye-Knudsen