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Component(s) Citation PDB-File
Human SRP72 Iakhiaeva, E., Iakhiaev, A., C. Zwieb. (2010) Identification of amino acid residues in protein SRP72 required for binding to a kinked 5e motif of the human signal recognition particle RNA. BMC Mol Biol, Vol. 11, 83. hSRP72-model.pdb
E. coli 4.5S RNA (extended) Zwieb, C., Gowda, K., Larsen, N., Muller, F. (1997) Comparative modeling of the three-dimensional structure of signal recognition particle RNA. in: "Molecular Modeling of Nucleic Acids", ACS Symposium Series, eds. Leontis, N.B. & SantaLucia, J. Jr., American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, Vol. 682, 405-413. esccol3d-97-11-17-stretched-1.pdb
E. coli 4.5S RNA (bent) Zwieb, C., Gowda, K., Larsen, N., Muller, F. (1997) Comparative modeling of the three-dimensional structure of signal recognition particle RNA. in: "Molecular Modeling of Nucleic Acids", ACS Symposium Series, eds. Leontis, N.B. & SantaLucia, J. Jr., American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, Vol. 682, 405-413. esccol3d-97-11-17-bent.pdb
M. jannaschii SRP RNA Zwieb, C., Gowda, K., Larsen, N., Muller, F. (1997) Comparative modeling of the three-dimensional structure of signal recognition particle RNA. in: "Molecular Modeling of Nucleic Acids", ACS Symposium Series, eds. Leontis, N.B. & SantaLucia, J. Jr., American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, Vol. 682, 405-413. metjan3d-97-11-17.pdb
Human SRP RNA Zwieb, C., Gowda, K., Larsen, N., Muller, F. (1997) Comparative modeling of the three-dimensional structure of signal recognition particle RNA. in: "Molecular Modeling of Nucleic Acids", ACS Symposium Series, eds. Leontis, N.B. & SantaLucia, J. Jr., American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, Vol. 682, 405-413. homsap3d-97-11-17.pdb

Page last updated on Mar 19 2012
© Created by Christian Zwieb