mirDBA: microRNA discovery by similarity search to a database of RNA-seq profiles


This is version 1.0.


The web server takes BED file as standard input thereby removing the need for any data pre-processing steps as would be required for such kind of analysis using the standalone version of deepBlockAlign. Besides, the user can adjust several optional parameters that affect prediction results, although the default setting is optimal in many cases.

sample BED format

#chr    start   end     id              number of reads   strand
chr1    20229   20366   GSM34290_325*    50$                +
chr1    20230   20369   GSM34290_328*    13$                +
* id is comprised of an [identifier]_[number of times the read is mapped (optional)]
$ normalized read count (read count / number of times the read is mapped)

We decided to use input in BED format due to two main reasons:


Pre-processing of input BED file

The input BED files are preprocessed to

A summary of preprocessing results are shown below


The alignment results are presented in a multi-page tabular format as shown below


Please contact Sachin Pundhir (sachin@rth.dk) for any technical issues or general questions about the web server.